It's been a long day!
We had 1 hour and 30 minutes over time in our office.
It's tiring and very busy day!
I only had 4 sales for the whole day: since most of my leads were DNC's (Do Not Call), AM (Answering Machines), and some are in Typing mode!
Remember my last blog about my Baby Shower last Saturday?
I just came at 7:22AM in our office at my station this morning.
I signed up at the attendance sheet and prepare my Kronos portal to Time Stamp.
Cherry handed a present from Rain!
It's so nice- a pillow from the Baby Co. brand.
I love it's color, so boyish!
I know my baby loves it as he moves inside me! ;)
(Thanks Rain! Love it!)
Five minutes later Ate Madeth handed me a small paper bag-
It has a baby dress and take note: It's good for 1 year old baby! (he he)
It's so cute, though my baby can't use it yet, in the next few months or after a year he can use it anyway! Love it's color! An apple green!
(Thanks ate Madeth! It's a cutie!)
Gift from Duchie-Duch!
Duch came to my station and apologized that she didn't make it last Saturday!
It's acceptable! She went to Bicol.
Surprisingly, she told me last Friday whe will give my baby DAIPERS!
But she handed me a teether and a cute pacifier.
It's so baby-boy-thingy!
It has a ball design (pacifier) and a cute tool like teether!
You are so good to choose those teeth aides!
(Thanks Duch! You're a certified theether-chooser!)
Unexpected #1:
Ate Eunice (from my Citibank account before) handed me a gift!
I'm so surprised. I didn't expect she'll give something for the baby!
Take note: It's a Looney Tunes Tweety baby dress and it's white!
It's uni-sex according to her!
(Thanks Ate Eunice! I love your surprise present!)
Unexpected #2:
Hayden told me "THEY" will give me something BIGGY!
I'm so excited to see it.
I waited until lunch was over: I went to Ver's station to see if he report in the office, but he doesn't!
Well, Hayden sees me and told me: "Hey! Phebe wait! I'll give "OUR" present to you."
She went near to the QA's booth and told Aimee that she'll get something from the drawer.
It's so amazing to see a baby's comforter!
I was so overwhelmed to see and accept it!
I want to jump, but then it's embarrassing if I'll do that.
So I just say "Thank You so MUCH!!!!"
The present was from:
Actually, I just HOLD-UP them and invite them to eat with us at the pantry last Saturday for my Baby Shower "Meryenda-Treat": since few just attend my invite and we have lots of food packed from home that was specially cooked by my hubby and sister-in-law!
It's so touching that they really meant to give something for my baby since they were just hold-up without any invitation. So what I did? I made them their invitations and souvenirs earlier this morning t my station and hand it to Hayden though I know it's already late! (he he)
I have-from:
Bonets (3)-Sally
Teeth Aide-Allan
Tod Brush-Allan
Spoon and Fork-Allan
Feeding Bottle-Mydee
Sando (3)-Cherry
Socks (3)-Joan
Mattress (6)-Tonette
Mittens (2)-Tonette
Baby Wash-Peaches
Baby Oil-Coach Ianne
Baby Shampoo-Coach Ianne
Feeding Bottle-Maide
Silicone Nipple (2)-Maide
Hotdog Pillow-Rain
Green Apple Baby Dress-Ate Madeth
White Looney Tunes Baby Dress-Ate Eunice
Zwitsal Shampoo-Tita Edz
Zwitsal Lotion-Tita Edz
Assorted Clothes-M. Thel/D. Richard
From My Sister-In-Law:
Sterelize Rack and Tong
Feeding Bottles (3)
Special Feeding Bottle-Nipple Twist
Bottle Brush
Powder Case
Pink-Heart Pillow
Yellow-Square Pillow
Cotton Infant Socks (2)
From My Cousin Ate Amy ($50-BUDGET)
Baby Comforter (Baby Co.)
Puzzle Floor Mat
Mosquito Net
Boppy Pillow/Arm Rest (Baby Co.)
More to come according to my gift-giver-colleagues!
I'll just post it here!